Silent Generation

Birth of a Generation

Our young people are experiencing an unexpected jolt from today’s historic events. Who among them will turn...

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Silent Generation

Hallmark Movies From a Generational Point of View!

The popularity of Hallmark Christmas movies, a franchise beloved by both women and men, is worthy of a deeper look...

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Silent Generation

What’s on your mind? How your generation affects your decisions.

Money, bells, and whistles won’t win the hearts of American consumers. But, learning about a...

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Silent Generation

Hillary and the Millennials

Hillary Clinton knows the millennial vote is critical to her 2016 presidential objective. She must have their...

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Silent Generation

When America Elected Its First Catholic President

In 1960, presidential candidate John F. Kennedy gave a speech to a group of Protestant ministers. At that time,...

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Silent Generation

G.I. Generation’s JFK on Religion and Government

“I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute, where no Catholic prelate...

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Silent Generation

Staying ahead of the curve: What do you call the generation that follows the Millennials?

Today, we have six distinct generations of Americans. Some generational names – like Baby Boomers –...

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Silent Generation

If you wanted to be remembered for one patriotic quote, which of these quotes would you pick?

  If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.  ...

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Silent Generation

The “Silent Generation” takes a bite out of Apple!

I’m always quizzing the salesforce and the trainers at the Apple store on Fifth Avenue in New York about who...

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Silent Generation

“Education and the future of Millennials and Gen Xers” – is it relevant?

Yeh, billionaires Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison, Mark Zuckerberg and Michael Dell quit college. But, what...

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Silent Generation

Remembering the “G.I. Generation”: When ordinary people did extraordinary things.

It’s a day of sales, a day off from work, a day with no mail being delivered. It’s Veteran’s...

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Silent Generation

How to Predict “Generational Trends”.

Research tells us people are shaped by what they’ve lived through, by the historical forces that occurred...

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